This will be my first post from my apartment! I just got internet installed this morning and I am still attempting to gauge what this modem will let me get away with.
Blogger's controls have gone turncoat and the interface is in Korean (anybody who could point me in the direction of the language button would be of much assistance), but I suppose that's just another incentive to learn the language.
As you can see, my computer is better than the computers at school and it will actually let me upload photos, so let me do the right thing and show you around my Korean bubble:

Here is the before picture of the TV Wall and bathroom. Pretty gnarly. All those black spots and smudges on the wall are an accumulation of some serious mold. Fortunately, the school is good to me, and here is what my wall looks like after two days of the apartment smelling like paste:

Much better, no? I like this format, so I'll continue with the before and after to show you a little bit of the progression I've made with this place.

Bed, suitcases and shoe-stand before.

And after. I moved the table that was previously supporting my computer over to the end of the bed and I use it as a nightstand/table where I prep for my classes. The small dark rectangle on the wall is the TV remote, which the previous owner had thoughtfully affixed to some velcro. The remaining suitcase under the table is my hamper. I moved the other two suitcases, now empty, out onto the balcony. Look, I even made my bed!

Here's the kitchen. The table on the right side of the shot is now at the foot of my bed (as seen above).

Here's what that corner of the kitchen looks like now. I found the desk being given away on the street about a block on the other side of the school. Matt helped me lug it over to the apartment. It's particle board, so it was pretty heavy. The large greenish box on the corner of the desk is the beast I like to call my power converter. You can even see me updating this blog on the screen of the laptop. Recursion!
Well, that's all for now. Teaching is going quite well, and I'm heading into Seoul tonight to meet up with Anna and her friends from the Fulbright program. I'll have more pictures on Sunday probably.
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