Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 89: Delayed Appreciation

Today was a fairly uneventful day at work, busy but nothing noteworthy. However, when I finished work and pulled up a chair in my favorite Japanese restaurant, a charming little scene unfolded.

I should start by introducing Midarae - I've seen a number of these little Japanese restaurants throughout the greater Seoul area (and I've eaten at two) but the one in Suji remains my favorite for a couple reasons. First, it is literally located right next door to my school, which makes it the perfect place to sneak out for a lunch away from the students, or to grab a good bite right after finishing work. I usually chow down on sushi (nigiri, to be more specific, or as it's known here, 초밥) or maybe some cheese donkatsu (japanese-style fried pork with cheese). Also, I am on pretty friendly terms with the owner, who speaks decent English and can usually be found smoking a cigarette outside whenever I come to or leave work.

I've got a couple of stories involving Midarae. One, for example, involves my mother, previously the most Asian food-savvy member of the Stokes household, being given a fork by the proprietor because she couldn't get her chopsticks working right (sorry Mom). Another, slightly more recent story, involves the previously mentioned owner being shouted at quite violently by a 20-something-year-old amidst a circle of gawkers on the sidewalk, when eventually the dude runs over to the building, picks up a friggin' cinder block, and tries to hurl it at the Midarae guy. Never quite figured out what was going on there.

But my most recent story just happened tonight. I was at Midarae, sitting down with my latest set of LSAT Logic Games practice questions, with an eye for some serious brain food (aka sushi with plenty of wasabi). I was halfway through my large, large plate of 해바라기. This most wonderous of sushi combo plates has 4 pieces of shrimp, 4 pieces of eel, 4 pieces of octopus, 4 pieces of white fish, 4 pieces of salmon (easily the best) and 4 pieces of some kinda mussel or something, for a total of 24 pieces of nigiri-shaped heaven. As I finished the problem set, and was about halfway through the platter of sushi, I looked up and saw one of my older students, David, eating dinner with his mother (whom I had met once before). I waved and they waved back. I continued eating my meal, sipping the miso soup and reading the other book I had brought with me. As I finished and got up to pay, I noticed that David's mother had gotten up as well, and was already paying for her meal. When I passed her on the way back I nodded and smiled, and she told me (in nearly pitch-perfect English, no less) that she had already "treated me" for the meal. Despite my look of shock and protestation, she told me that David had been talking about how I always buy pizza or ice cream or other food for his class, and she wanted to repay me.

Funny, that David should never thank me for any food I buy him, but as soon as his mom hears about it, I get a not-so-cheap meal of Japanese food comped. Call it delayed appreciation.

Currently Reading: "Lolita" ~Vladimir Nabokov

My alma mater is so damn cool you guys. This video is the winning entry for Grinnell College's annual short film contest, Titular Head. You might not get why it's so cool without knowing the places and personage involved, but trust me, for those of us who were there, it's pretty nifty. It's still a good watch even if you've never set foot in Iowa.

1 comment:

Meghan and Rachel said...

Umm you are FEASTING on sushi and I never heard about this?! I wanna go! :D

Next Friday?