Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 87: Wave of Nostalgia

Other than studying for the LSAT last night, I had a pretty relaxed, nostalgia-inducing weekend. John and Kalisha were over, and we busted out Super Mario Brothers 3, incredibly old-school style. After they left I even watched a little Star Trek: The Next Generation. It's amazing how certain media can take you back to a specific time in your childhood or adolescence immediately and almost palpably. Had I made grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner, the illusion would have been complete.

On that note, I'm beginning to wonder what specific types of media will remind me that strongly of my time here in Korea. Obviously, the Korean music I've become familiar with will factor in strongly, which is why I've begun composing a list of songs I need to make sure I have before I leave the country, even if I don't like them that much, just because it scares me that I might never ever hear them again. Ah, the joys of K-Pop.

More difficult to ferret out are the non-Korean media that I will forever for some reason or another associate with my time here. Once, for example, is a movie that I saw during my time here, and although it has nothing to do with Korea, or is even in any way directly relevant to anything I've seen or done here, it will probably still be linked. Memory is a strange thing.

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